Prepping Advice You Need Now, Today, Begin Immediately

Been thinking about this a lot lately. Most of the prep advice you see is about buying guns and ammo, or stocking up on rice, or planting tomatoes. That’s all great, but it doesn’t help you TODAY. You can start today, with your mental prep. It’s free and is the foundation that can support all the rest of your prep efforts.

Why Do You Need to Mentally Prep?

A Christian group gathered in a park to worship and pray. Antifa attacked them. Their response was good, could have been better, you MUST be prepared. Go read, watch the video, then come back

(really, go to that site, I want Andy Ngo to get the traffic)

The Antifa goons were cruel, they attacked kids, they did things you don’t expect people to do. This only gets worse.

We will not win against Antifa by fighting against them

They have funding, organization, training, supplies, all sorts of things you don’t have and do not want to obtain. We will not win a war on their terms. We have to change the terms.

Your PREP must be inside you

It can’t be an object you depend on having, or a resource you depend on being able to call. You have to be prepared to respond effectively with only what you are, what you believe, and what you know.

Memorize Something

I have memorized The Lord’s Prayer and The Apostle’s Creed. High likelihood that whoever I am with will also know these things and be able to join in. They’re both short, serve different purposes. Onward Christian Soldiers is also a good option.

Arguing is worse than pointless

Don’t even bother. It doesn’t matter what they say. Doesn’t matter what they call you or what they accuse you of. You don’t need to even listen to them.

When they come at you, screeching their filth, just begin to recite the things you have memorized. Repeat over and over again. Only those words, nothing else.

Pray, Chant, Proclaim Your Belief, Sing

You won’t be talking back to them, you will be communicating – with God, with the crowd, with posterity who will watch what is sure to be filmed.

There is a chance that some in the crowd will fade away, move on to more interesting targets. There is a chance that some might feel embarrassed.

Regardless, you will be connected to those who came with you, you are chanting and operating as one. You have become righteous and formidable.

They will probably still attack you physically.

What do you do?

While still chanting:

  • Get your back against a wall if you are alone,
  • It there are two of you, stand back to back.
  • If there are three or more, get into a circle facing out, backs together, children in the center, protected.
  • Do not run.
  • Hold your signs, hold your flags – or pass them to the folks in the center and have THEM hold the signs and flags
  • Chant, pray, sing
  • Take the hits.
  • Stay in that circle, don’t break off.
  • Chant, pray, sing
  • Take the hits.

Your protected people in the inner part of your defensive circle will be filming, the bad guys will be filming. You will be praying, singing, chanting, and taking the hits.

You will win the PR battle, you will have shown that YOUR cause is righteous, and that you are the good guys.

Be prepared. Prepare mentally now. And when you show up to protest anything, anywhere, communicate this plan with the 2 or 3 people nearest to you, they’ll do the same. That’s all the organizing you need. It’s all the organizing our side will ever do, but we MUST do it.

Wherever you are, be prepared, have your prayers and chants memorized, practice them. Be ready to form up in a defensive way.

This crowd in Portland did a lot better than what we’ve seen – they prayed, they didn’t fight back. But they separated, they let Antifa put them into disarray. They scattered and ran.

We have to get better.


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