Make Change Happen 6: Resources

Time for Action - ClockSO many posts and articles about these Senate races. SO much information. It’s an info-lanche!

You want to get involved, you want to make change happen but you seriously don’t need to spend your time chasing down the resources, you need to spend your time helping the campaigns.

I’m here to help. You may have noticed, at the bottom of all articles in this series, a couple of boxes of links. I’m sharing links to all of the articles in this series, as well as links to my favorite sites with overall senate race information. I’ve made brief notes on a few of those links, so you know what they are before you go there.

Sites Tracking the Horserace

As I add and delete things from the list of links, it will be automatically updated in every post, so you can be sure that no matter which post you’re looking at, that box of links shows my most current list and comments, with the newest additions as the top.

These sites are written by professional political analysts, polling collation firms, etc. These are my sources for my conclusions. They’ve got some excellent analysis, and usually a link or two to stores about the candidates.

However…they’re analyzing the current state of play. They’re observers, reporters, they aren’t actually making change happen. So if you’re looking to do something productive to help the conservative cause, don’t spend a lot of time with these sites.

The Ace of Spades Decision Desk

The Ace of Spades Decision Desk – it should be your primary election night site. Yes, it’s horserace analysis, but it’s the best of the bunch, AND it’s more than JUST horserace analysis.

It’s a beautifully laid out current state-of-play site, if you just want to know what’s the latest, this is the place to go. They are looking  at the Gubernatorial races, as well as the Senate races

Most importantly – they are not just reporting the races, they see themselves as advocates. To that end, they have a section of the latest news stories on each race, AND the current ads for the campaign. If you’re about to make calls for a candidate, go to the AOSHQDD and get the latest news first.

To review the Make Change Happen Series

In case you want to review previous posts in this series, this link box will let you navigate to any post in the series, again, always updated and live.

GET ACTIVE – Here is where you go

In the list of links to this series, you’ll also see the last link: LIVE OUTLINE, ALL MY NOTES. That’s what I’ve been collating and writing and pulling together to put as content in these posts.Leslie's Analysis Senate 2014

When I decide that a race has moved from one category to another, that’s where I will make the change. That’s a live look at what I’m doing, so it’s a more up-to-date reference than the static content of these posts.

  • There’s  a link to the campaign site for each candidate
  • There are links to current stories about that race, important news, etc.
  • You can collapse and expand any section of the outline to make it easier to read and deal with

What do you do when you decide you want to help a candidate?

  • Donate money – directly to the campaign rather than through a third party that takes a cut before it gets to the campaign
  • Make phone calls – some/many (sadly not all) will have a way for your to make phone calls to registered GOP voters in their state so as to drum up turnout. They’ll have a recommended script, they’ll have the numbers to call. You won’t be calling angry liberals. You’ll be calling your own people, reminding them to go vote.

Don’t get overwhelmed. Get active!

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