Make Change Happen 2: The Focus List

So, we have less than 6 weeks until the mid-terms, our opportunity to remove Harry Reid as Senate Majority leader and take our best chance to reduce the damage that the Democrats can do over the next two years.

In Part I  we looked at 36 Senate elections, but only half of them are worth paying any attention to at all. So we’re down to only 18 to even bother with.

That’s only 18 races to focus on, it’s our Focus List.

We must have a net increase of 6 seats.Time for Action - Clock

I’ve separated the 18 races into 4 sections, so that we can all better see where to target our efforts. They’re in order within those sections based on RCP average polling, and ranked most likely R to least likely R, so start at the top and work your way down.

In this post, just the races. Details of each section coming next. If you have ANY updates or feedback on this list, please let me know.

This is intended to be a resource, you’re seeing it get built…it’s only as good as the info I have to put into it…be a source for me!

Republicans at Risk

The states lean R, so it shouldn’t be too much of a lift to ensure R victory, but losing these could hurt multiple times. We’d have to gain TWO from the other lists rather than one to make up for the loss, it would also have a negative down ballot effect on established GOPers in the rest of the state.

  • Kentucky R-McConnell
  • Georgia R-Chambliss (retiring)
  • Kansas R-Roberts

Likely Pickup

We really have to have these states

  • West Virginia D-Rockefeller (retiring)
  • Montana D-Walsh (not running)
  • South Dakota D-Johnson (retiring)
  • Louisiana D-Landrieu

Possible Pickup

Infinitely achievable, work hardest here

  • Alaska D-Begich
  • Arkansas D-Pryor
  • Colorado D-M. Udall
  • Iowa D-Harkin (retiring)
  • North Carolina D-Hagan
  • New Hampshire D-Shaheen
  • Michigan D-Levin (retiring)

Remote Chance Pickup – stretch goals, worth a shot if the above are done deals

  • Minnesota D-Franken
  • New Jersey D-Booker
  • Oregon D-Merkley
  • Illinois D-Durbin


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