Daily Defiance: Shopping without a mask

We all need to PRACTICE being defiant of a government/corporate alliance that is out of control. Wandering around in public without a mask is a tiny step, but it’s important. Important for me to get used to it. Important for others to see people out and about without masks.

I suggest you all do this, go to a few shops per day (don’t have to buy anything, it’s the wandering around that matters). Make sure people see you. Do not take pictures, this isn’t about your social media performance. If you post about your experience, do not link the stores you go to, this is not about getting their attention. This isn’t about online attention at all.

It’s about meatspace attention. You are providing other people with evidence that it’s possible to defy, that they can do it, too.

Day 1: Wandered around Michael’s, Bath & Body Works, and Petco.
None of the stores had signs requesting masks, about half of the other shoppers were voluntarily wearing masks. This is the right way – they’re concerned, so they take steps on their own initiative to allay their fears. That’s personal responsibility.

Day 2: SuperKroger and Hobby Lobby
Way more masks at Kroger than Hobby Lobby. I STILL felt uncomfortable walking in to Kroger past the ‘masks required’ signs. There were a few looks, I ignored them. I’m seeing that it’s more important for me to do the harder thing – defy a sign. Important for me, and important for others.

Day 3: Home Depot and Walgreens

Day 4: Kroger

Day 5: Home Depot, Food Town, Kroger


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