Why Bother Understanding the Left?

Dennis Prager points out in this great article the devastating economic facts about CA, and then points out that the left doesn’t care.

Most conservatives, and just about all independents, have a huge misperception of the left. They think that the gulf between conservatism and leftism is primarily about means, not goals.
This perception is wrong. It is their goals that are irreconcilable. And until conservatives, independents and the Republican Party understand this, it will not be possible to defeat the left.

Many of you know this. Many of you may get angry about it. That’s fine, but are you using this information to your own benefit, to save you time, to improve your chance at success with online activism?

Or are you just expressing anger to your friends, gaining solidarity, and having fun? That’s perfectly fine, and a totally appropriate use of social media, just make sure that what you are doing is aligned with your goals.

Understand the Left, so that you can DEFEAT the Left

If you are on social media with some thought to helping the cause of conservatism, you need to make sure that your efforts are focused, efficient, and targeted effectively.

Stop wasting your time arguing with leftists and trying to convince them of anything. Leave that toe professional debaters, the people who get paid to argue on TV, the entertainers. They aren’t accomplishing much for the movement, but they are making themselves rich and famous. Hooray for them, and horray for you if you want to become one of them, just don’t be delusional about it. That is not where the battle can be won.

DO spend your time educating genuine independents, informing the non-political, shaping your message for those who are receptive to it.

Leftists really don’t care about economic results. They care about inequaltiy and carbon emissions.

You don’t have to memorize a pile of statistics, you don’t have to hold forth on a deeply detailed legislative analysis. If you find yourself arguing with someone about whether CA is a better business environment than TX – walk away. You are arguing with a committed leftist, no one else is paying attention, and you are wasting your time.

If, however, you have the chance to mention some company that your friend cares about having just decided to leave CA and move someplace else – talk about that. How sad it is for the people in CA who are losing their jobs, how sad it is for all of the supporting companies that will lose customers. How it’s great that there are other states competing to get THEIR business, just like that company competes to get yours.

These discussions are easy to have, and they express genuine  understanding, compassion, and caring for the very real people involved. THIS is the way to talk about the economic benefit of small government versus big government.

Your friends CARE that jobs are leaving CA and heading to TX. Your friends CARE that they will never be able to open that bakery they dream about. You can persuade your friend that the conservative view is better for them.

Learn about the other side. Recognize them, respect them enough to not try to change them.

The committed leftist does not care about the economic effects of their policy. Don’t waste their time trying to get them to care. Your detailed and intellectual argument persuades no one.

Find a better way. Don’t try to convert the left, they’ve already taken up arms against you. Work on recruiting the folks who are not on the battlefield yet.

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