Action in 2014: Priorities and Partnerships

hands[1]Every election is touted as important, no hyperbole here – there’s an election in November, it’s as important as all the others have been and will be. It’s an obvious “calendar point target” for those of us dedicated to growing the conservative movement. Everyone has limited time and limited attention to dedicate to politics – so we focus on elections, and we focus on the national ones. Why? Because it’s easier, it’s what we all have in common, and there’s so much info out there about the big elections we can just Like and Reshare, sometimes commenting, and consider ourselves to have done something.

That’s definitely important, but it’s not enough, not for me. We need to do more for state races, general public education about conservatism, party involvement at the local level (if the GOP can be saved, it can only be saved from the ground up).

This blog supports the activities of The Conservative Union, a community of Google Plus users dedicated to growing the conservative movement. That’s a group of thousands of people all across the nation and around the world. We have brilliant friends outside of Google Plus who want the same things we do, and have their own audiences which overlap and extends our own. They have skills and specific objectives that are complementary to ours. How about we work together? So, we’re gonna.

Felicia Cravens explains what we’re doing in her post at Free Radical Network (for the record – I also HATE meetings, HATE them, but they, like politicians, are a necessary evil)

There are three main priorities that came out of the discussion: the 2014 Senate races, learning how to better communicate our ideas to apolitical people, and helping activists in their local areas learn to vet candidates.  Between us, we had quite a few resources and ideas about how to proceed.


A couple of things we definitely agreed on unanimously: it’s going to take all of us, working together, to achieve some victories in 2014; and 2014 and 2016 are just the START of the effort we’ll ultimately need to make.  I’ve been saying for a long while now that we need a win, and a big one, to keep the momentum going.  But that doesn’t happen if we merely sit back and watch events and rant and complain about them.  There’s a place in the Freedom Army for everyone, a task for each soldier.  And no matter how high- or low-profile the job is, each one is vital to the overall effort if we’re going to turn things around in this country and take control back from the progressives who have worked so long to achieve their goals.

Go read Felicia’s article, see what we have planned, make suggestions, join the team, come along for the ride!!!!

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